Latest Episodes
Why IT Matters in Puerto Rico with Aimee Cubbage
Tim Lockie and Tracy Kronzak are in Puerto Rico with Aimee Cubbage, Founder, and Principal of Cubbage Consulting. Episode Show Notes
Why IT Matters in Puerto Rico with Michelle Paul
Episode Show Notes
Why IT Matters in Puerto Rice Partnerships
Episode Show Notes
LIVE with Woodrow Rosenbaum at Good Tech Fest 2022
Our first ever LIVE episode of Why IT Matters with keynote speaker Woodrow Rosenbaum, Chief Data Officer at Episode Show Notes
Simply Give, Give Simply with Tina Roh
This episode will remind you that incredible people are out there putting their intelligence towards making it as simple to give to a nonprofit...
Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes (special episode)
Change is constant and in our recent history, the changes have been grand and rapid. Like all things, Why IT Matters has also been...