Latest Episodes
Why IT Matters: The Future of CRM for Nonprofits Webinar
Industry executives and leaders got together for a groundbreaking discussion on how the definition of CRM is changing for nonprofits, and how the current...
Surviving & Thriving with Christine Priester
Episode 2 is one of the most honest conversations we’ve had about creating authentic, supportive, and safe workplaces we’ve ever had. It’s one thing...
It's Not A Cake Recipe with Makeda Keegan
We start the new calendar year with Makeda Keegan from Northeastern University, Chair of the Board, and Executive Director of Amplify. Amplify’s work is...
Open Sourcery with Ryan Ozimek
Our final episode of Why IT Matters of 2021 is a conversation with an old friend, collaborator, and co-creator, Ryan Ozimek, Co-founder of PICnet...
Transparency Matters with Mitch Stein
What happens when we turn the common assumptions about how nonprofits should acquire software on their head? Mitch Stein, Co-Founder of Pond talks about...
The Soul of Nonprofits with Liz Moore
Leading a state association of nonprofits, particularly in a state like Montana, is a balancing act. Our guest Liz Moore, Executive Director of Montana...